Systems Testing

Integrated Systems


CAN/ULC-S1001 Listed Service Provider And Coordinator

Guardian Fire Consulting Group is certified by UL as a Level 3 Service Provider and Coordinator of the CAN/ULC-S1001 Standard to test and certify the Fire Protection & Life Safety Systems work together as one integrated system.

CAN/ULC-S1001 Listed Service Provider And Coordinator

Guardian Fire Consulting Group is certified by UL as a Level 3 Service Provider and Coordinator of the CAN/ULC-S1001 Standard to test and certify the Fire Protection & Life Safety Systems work together as one integrated system.

About Integrated Systems Testing

CAN/ULC-S1001 Testing And Certification Standard

CAN/ULC‑S1001, originally published in September 2011, provides the methodology to confirm that two or more systems are functioning together to protect all occupants in the building.

Whereas standards governing the installation of individual fire protection systems allow for system testing and verification in isolation, ULC-S1001 ensures the correct integration between systems by requiring the functional in situ testing of integrations.

Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada..
Roddy MacDonald


About Integrated Systems Testing

CAN/ULC-S1001 Testing And Certification Standard

CAN/ULC‑S1001, originally published in September 2011, provides the methodology to confirm that two or more systems are functioning together to protect all occupants in the building.

Whereas standards governing the installation of individual fire protection systems allow for system testing and verification in isolation, ULC-S1001 ensures the correct integration between systems by requiring the functional in situ testing of integrations.

Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada..
Roddy MacDonald


Why It Matters

CAN/ULC-S1001 Listed Service Provider And Testing Coordinator

Accredited Provider

UL Level 3 Certification

Guardian is certified by UL as a Level 3 Service Provider and Coordinator for the CAN/ULC-S1001 Standard to organize the testing required to ensure and certify the Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems work in concert.

Why It Matters

CAN/ULC-S1001 Listed Service Provider

Accredited Provider

UL Level 3 Certification

Guardian is certified by UL as a Level 3 Service Provider and Coordinator for the CAN/ULC-S1001 Standard to organize the testing required to ensure and certify the Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems work in concert.

What's Involved

The CAN/ULC-S1001 Certification Process

The Certification Team at Guardian Fire Consulting Group will perform and advise clients through the steps involved in the certification process.

What's Involved

The CAN/ULC-S1001 Certification Process

The Certification Team at Guardian Fire Consulting Group will perform and advise clients through the steps involved in the certification process.

[1] Integrated Testing Plan (ITB)

Although Integrated Systems Testing is unique for each project, a standardized process was developed. This includes collecting the relevant information for the facility and systems, and developing an Integrated Testing Plan from this information. The Integrated Testing Plan details the objectives of system integrations, the sequence of operation for systems, and the testing protocols.

[2] Test Day

Guardian Fire will arrange a Test Day to execute CAN/ULC‑S1001. As per CAN/ULC-S1001, Guardian Fire Consulting Groups Integrated Testing Coordinators are responsible to develop and implement the Integrated Testing Plan. We have knowledge of:

1    Codes and Standards for the various systems
2    How the systems operate (normal & emergency operation)
3    Testing the functionality of the systems

[3] The Report

After the integrations have been tested, The Integrated Testing Report shall include all documentation described in Subsection 7.3 of CAN/ULC-S1001. This includes:

1    The Integrated Testing Plan*
2    Integrated Testing Forms
3    Integrated Testing Forms for Re-tests
4    Documentation required by Section 5.3

[4] The Living Document

ULC‑S1001 requires that Integrated Systems Testing be documented and amalgamated into an Integrated Testing Report. This report includes the Integrated Testing Plan, records of testing, and system documentation gathered from the design professionals, installing contractors and verifying parties.

The Integrated Testing Report is intended to be a living document, maintained throughout the life of a building, to provide a resource on the fire protection and life safety system installations.

[5] Periodic Integrated System Testing

Periodic Integrated Systems Testing (CAN/ULC-S1001, Section 8) requires on-going operational testing of integrated systems that had their initial testing performed under Section 5. The standard timeline for on-going testing covered by Section 8 is as follows:

One (1) year after the performance of the initial test covered under Section 5, another integrated systems test must be conducted. Subsequent integrated testing must be performed at intervals of not more than five (5) years.

Although Integrated Systems Testing is unique for each project, a standardized process was developed. This includes collecting the relevant information for the facility and systems, and developing an Integrated Testing Plan from this information. The Integrated Testing Plan details the objectives of system integrations, the sequence of operation for systems, and the testing protocols.

Guardian Fire will arrange a Test Day to execute CAN/ULC‑S1001. As per CAN/ULC-S1001, Guardian Fire Consulting Groups Integrated Testing Coordinators are responsible to develop and implement the Integrated Testing Plan. We have knowledge of:

1  Codes and Standards for the various systems

2  How the systems operate (normal & emergency operation)

Testing the functionality of the systems

After the integrations have been tested, The Integrated Testing Report shall include all documentation described in Subsection 7.3 of CAN/ULC-S1001. This includes:

1  The Integrated Testing Plan*

2  Integrated Testing Forms

3  Integrated Testing Forms for Re-tests

4  Documentation required by Section 5.3

ULC‑S1001 requires that Integrated Systems Testing be documented and amalgamated into an Integrated Testing Report. This report includes the Integrated Testing Plan, records of testing, and system documentation gathered from the design professionals, installing contractors and verifying parties.

The Integrated Testing Report is intended to be a living document, maintained throughout the life of a building, to provide a resource on the fire protection and life safety system installations.

Periodic Integrated Systems Testing (CAN/ULC-S1001, Section 8) requires on-going operational testing of integrated systems that had their initial testing performed under Section 5. The standard timeline for on-going testing covered by Section 8 is as follows:

One (1) year after the performance of the initial test covered under Section 5, another integrated systems test must be conducted. Subsequent integrated testing must be performed at intervals of not more than five (5) years.

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